Thursday, April 2, 2009

What I don't want to know!

I just saw the best videos ever. "Did You Know?" is a video going through all of the technology advances we have gone through, what countries are better then the U.S., and other cool facts that make you think. The other video "We Are The Web 2.0" is about all of the ways we depend on the computer to remember all of the things that we are too over worked to remember.

"Did You Know?"- China is close to being the number one English language. I know that China has more people than we do but how can they have more people that can speak English. What ever happened to the many different languages that China has. If half of the country of China spoke some form of language native to China they wouldn't be on the verge of being the number one English speaking language.

"We Are The Web 2.0"- People are using their computers to remember things that are easy to remember. I can remember sites that I went to when I was in first grade. I know people that are online 20 hours a day playing games talking to friends and doing other things, and these people depend on their computers to do everything for them.


  1. Well if you think about it America is not the #1 english speaking country because we are a country of almost all immigrant. China however is the #1 most populated country, and they are learing our language. But I agree that the vid was one of the coolest that iv seen.....Kida scary though O.o

  2. The reason China is going to be the number one English speaking country is not a suprise to me. Like Jordan said, they are the biggest country in the world, and they are learning our language. That is a compliment to us though, because it shows we are still the strongest country since they want to learn our language. Otherwise, they'd be keeping to themselves. They are going to rise above us though, it's just a matter of time.

    The Web 2.0 thing really shows how addicted people can get, and how much we rely on the technology. I wasn't as impesed with Web 2.0 as Did You Know?
